If you don't see an answer to your question, you can send us an email from our contact form.
We operate a peer recognition system of registration.
The 2 referees need to be from yoga teachers with at least 5 years teaching experience. One of these could be your teacher trainer. Even if you have not trained with them or seen them for decades, all reputable training schools carry records of their trainees, and all that may be asked of them is that they confirm when you studied with them. If you cannot provide another yoga teacher referee, then a character referee from an employer, doctor, solicitor or other professional will do.
We just need the contact details of your referees. We do not need you to collect the reference from them for us. We will conduct random annual spot checks, asking your referee to confirm your identity, and your good character.
Yes. You need to complete the form fully. We do not have access to the IYN records so we need to collect our own records for insurance purposes. However we do accept IYN elder certificates as proof of elder status, so there is no need to send us proof of your teaching hours if you can prove you have already done this with the IYN.
No. You need to have been teaching for at least 10 years AND have taught for at least 5000 hours to register as a yoga elder. If you have only one of these things you cannot be an elder yet, but we advise that you start keeping a record of your teaching hours now so that you can easily prove your elder status when you have reached 5000 teaching hours and 10 years teaching experience.
Most people find a table or spreadsheet to be a useful way of organising this information. You do not need to record ever teaching hour you have done. Take it month by month. Look back through diaries or invoices to remind yourself what you were teaching back then and record a rough estimate of what hours you taught for each venue / organisation in that month. Add each month up to give a total for each year. Add all your annual totals up to give your total teaching hours. We need to see your totals and your spreadsheet or table in one document. This can be in pdf, word or excel formats.
Teaching hours are any hours you have taught yoga. We appreciate that some of our members may have been teaching yoga prior to qualifying, as yoga teacher training courses were not readily available a decade ago.
Public service karma yoga counts as teaching. You are teaching by example. Therefore, when assembling your account of your teaching hours, that add up to at least 5000, we will accept any public service karma yoga as part of this.Private karma yoga does not count as it is not teaching if there is no learning happening. Remember, you will need to do all the adding up and write the total number down for us. Don’t worry if once you calculate your hours you don’t reach 5000, we’ll wait for you, it’s a lot of teaching.
Our registration requirements are published on the schools' registration webpage, so you can check the course compatibility side of things yourself.
If you look at the top right of the registration page, there are red and black tabs that tell you everything you need to know & do to register your course. The links are below:
We appreciate that the schools' application is detailed. Upholding a high standard of independent teacher training is why we’re here. The registration criteria and guidance notes are at the top right of the form; look for the black and red tabs. Use the information here to prepare everything you need BEFORE you start completing the form. We also have a handy ‘save progress’ built into our website. We encourage you to take your time and consider your application before submitting it.
*Tip: perhaps prepare the text in a Word document to cut and paste into the form rather than answering on the fly.
With regard to ahimsa, satya and svadhyaya, we need you to be specific and directly address how each of these is integrated into your practice and teaching. We are looking for 150 - 200 words on each one. Prepare everything you need BEFORE you start completing the form. We have a handy ‘save progress’ built into our website. We encourage you to take your time and consider your application before submitting it. *Tip: perhaps prepare the text in a word document to cut and paste into the form rather than answering on the fly.
Currently, due to high volume, we are processing applications bi-monthly, in the second and fourth week of the month. We would like to move this to a monthly board meeting as we become more established. You will receive an email if we need to request further information to support your application. *Tip: check your junk email. Once your application is successfully processed, you will receive a welcome email with your membership number and digital certificate attached. Likewise, you will be informed by email if your application is unsuccessful. Please bear with us, we are all volunteers with full-time jobs and businesses, and we aim to respond to you in a timely manner. We also appreciate your support and patience while we do this.
Quote your Yoga Teachers Together membership number when you apply for insurance with BGi and they will give you £10 discount off the cost of your annual insurance.
I have just registered!
It was easier than anticipated. Thank you for taking the time to reach out and clarify everything. I look forward to becoming part of the YTT community. Best wishes.